Monday, March 14, 2016

Sharing & Defending Family Proclamation Principles

Living in the world today, it may be hard to follow the teachings of our leaders.  I mean, when you look at the world and they are telling you to go a different direction and you may be one of the only ones you know who takes the other path, it can be discouraging and hard.  However, we have been promised time and time again, that we will be blessed if we obey and follow our church leaders.

I'm reminded of a song we sung in church, Do What Is Right.  The words that stand out from the 3 verses are:

Do what is right; let the consequence follow.
Do what is right; be faithful and fearless.
Blessings await you in doing what's right!

What is the right thing to do?  Allow those around us to just choose to listen to the louder voices and follow those that have lifestyles contrary to what we believe?  No, we must make sure we are doing what is right, no matter what the consequence.  We must be faithful and fearless.  If we do these things, as the song states, blessings WILL away us from doing what is right!

One thing I have learned is that its sometimes hard to stand up for what you believe in.  However, just as those around you are raising their voices and telling you their opinions, so must you.  With so much attack on the family, we must do this today!  Not later!  The sad thing is, there is so much grey area.  Things aren't so black and white anymore.  Things that used to be an obvious thing against what we believe are slowly starting to blend the two sides.  Satan is doing an excellent job of confusing us, or have us thinking what we are doing is okay.  Its not that what we are doing is bad, but chances are there are always better and best things we can be doing.

I have many friends of many backgrounds.  Posting these doctrines and principles can be hard for others to accept.  I choose to continue to follow them, as I feel I am a better person by following it.  I have seen the many blessings that have come to my life and others, as they follow the teachings.  Sometimes life gets busy and we forget to do some of the basic things we have been asked.  I am glad that the Proclamation reminds us of even simple things, like having wholesome family recreation activities.

President Boyd K. Packer referred to the Family Proclamation is an "inspired document".  He also called it "revelatory" and "scripturelike in is power.  The proclamation "contains timeless truths that will bless not only our lives but also the lives of those around us as we reach out, near and far, to share it" (Hawkins, 2012, p. 358).

In order to make sure we can defend it, we need to study the proclamation and make sure we understand it.  We then must memorize it.  It will become useful to have memorized it, as people challenge what we believe, if we have items memorized, those principles will come to remembrance. 

Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson, in our April 2015 General Conference, she listed 3 points she felt we should become very familiar with and to defend:

1.  Marriage between a man and a woman
2.  Elevating the diving roles of mothers and fathers.
3.  The sanctity of the home

Our leaders are inspired.  Our faith is one that we must do action as well.  We simply can't sit idly, waiting for others to defend it for us.  That isn't what is to happen.  We are all to do our part to defend this divine doctrine.

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